I was tagged last week and have a few minutes to answer a few questions. I was tagged by
1. What are you most excited about for the coming new year? What resolutions will you make and do you think you'll stick to 'em?
On the race front, I am excited about doing the Ocean Drive 10 mile run again in March. It was my first race 2 years ago and this will be my first year that I really have a time goal in my head. I feel like I have something to prove to MYSELF this year! I am also excited to train for my second marathon. It will be either NYC or Philly in November.
On the non race front, I am excited to continue to experience life with my husband and boys! As the boys get older, we can start to do so many things with them.
I don't really have resolutions. Last year I made a list of 5 or 6 things I wanted to accomplish by the end of the year. I plan on making another list the beginning of the year. The things on my list won't be things I want to change. Instead they are things I can cross off as I do them!
2. When you go into a coffee shop, what do you order? (not necessarily coffee)
HAHA!!! I am too cheap to buy coffee drinks at a coffee shop! I usually make my coffee at home or work. If I am somewhere, I like iced lattes!
3. What was the first blog you followed? Do you still? And what is your favorite blog to read?
The first blog I followed was my friend Amy.
http://thecavkids.blogspot.com/ Unfortunately she does not post much anymore! My favorite blog would probably be
Steve in a Speedo?! Gross!!
4. Do you speak/read any other languages?
Nope, wish I did though.
5. This spin off of FB: If you and your mom/dad ended up in jail together and you could only say 4 words, what would they be? Sure I wasn't adopted?
6. What was your favorite show growing up? Can you sign the theme song? (I don't think Fresh Prince should count on this one.... everyone can sing that theme song) Not really growing up because it started when I was 18 but it would have to be 7th Heaven! And no way I could sing the theme song off the top of my head.
7. What is your most memorable race moment?
Philly Marathon! Just crossing the finish line. I worked so hard for that moment. Everything I did fitness and training wise this past year was to cross that finish line.
8. What's the coldest you've ever run in and what did you wear?
I am a big baby when it comes to running in the cold. I just won't do it. I will never sign up for a marathon in January regardless of where it is. I just can't imagine 20 mile runs in NJ in December. The coldest was probably Philly marathon where it was high 30's at the start. I knew it would warm up quickly so I wore capris, a short sleeve shirt, and arm warmers. The arm warmers were gone by mile 4!
And now I get to tag a few people and ask them some questions!!
I tag Julie, Abbi, Sherry, Amy, and Erika!
1. Do you have a favorite race you do every year? Where and why?
2. What is your biggest accomplishment of 2010?
3. What is your favorite breakfast?
4. What is your favorite holiday memory (can be any holiday)?
5. If you could live anywhere to train, where would it be?
6. Any plans for New Years Eve? I will be home alone with two kids so I hope someone has some good plans!!!