Sunday, February 27, 2011

First race of the year and I hired a coach!

One race down, 11 more to go for the year to meet the challenge of Run for the bling of it.  I ran a 5k this morning and was more than pleased with my performance.  I have said before that I don't enjoy running 5ks because I am not a fast runner.  I have not ran a stand alone 5k since June and I shaved 3 minutes off my 5k time!  I uploaded the run this evening and realized I finally achieved negative splits for the first time in a race!

My finish time according to my Garmin was 28:47.76 but my official time was 28:51.  Either way, I was very happy.  My splits were 9:34, 9:33, and 9:18.  I just barely did a negative split for mile 2 but it was by a second! 

It was a fun morning and I am glad I did the race.  It was geared towards high schoolers but open to the community.  There was no mistaking the high school students because quite a few of the girls had full make up on!  We figured we would get creamed by a bunch of kids and I did.  At the same time, I ran past quite a few kids huffing and puffing as they walked or ran.  I had to laugh at the two boys who complained that they are not long distance runners. 

I decided last week to contact a local coaching company.  I know I will never BQ but it is not stopping me from trying to get faster and stronger.  I feel like I am not getting anywhere on my own and decided to check out the coaching company.  I was going to start working with a personal trainer again and went for the coach instead.  The coach decided to run the 5k this morning and we met up before the race.  I really like her and I am excited to start working with her. 

My next race is 4 weeks from today and will be the third year in a row I am running this 10 mile race.  Can't wait!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

A sad day for me

A very important man in my life passed away today.  This man was my parent's best friend.  I won't get into the details but he has been in critical condition for the past week and based on his deteriorating condition, the family decided today it was time to let him go. 

Last Sunday I hit the road for 9 miles early in the morning.  I told my husband not to call me if my mom called to update us on his condition.  We were not sure if he was going to make it through Saturday night.  I prayed for the first mile of my run.  All of a sudden, I heard him say "I am ok Megg.  I am with Jesus now."  He said it 4 more times and then I wiped my tears, ran the next 8 miles and did not give it another thought.  I fully expected to walk in my front door and John tell me he did not make it through the night.  My response was going to be "I know.  He told me he is with Jesus now." 

We had some ups and downs over the next few days.  I did not tell anyone what I was told on my run because I desperately did not want that to be the case.  I wanted to think maybe a bus drove past me and I inhaled the fumes.  Tuesday afternoon we got the bad news that he may be brain dead due to coding before surgery on Saturday.  When my mom gave me the bad news, I shared my experience with my parents.  She told me if he does pass away, she wants me to tell his wife what he told me. 

He was taken off support today around 2:30 and passed shortly before 3:00.  It is believed that he has been brain dead since Saturday.  If that is the case, he was with Jesus Sunday morning when he told me that.  I don't understand why he was taken from us so soon but I am having an even harder time understanding why he chose me.  There were so many people praying for him.  Why did he decide to tell me that he is ok and with Jesus?  What does he want me to do with this information?  I feel incredibly honored that he spoke to me but I have to be honest and say I also feel burdened by this information.  My mom has her thoughts on why he chose me and she believes I am supposed to pass this information on this his wife.  She thinks his wife will find it comforting and will also understand why me.  I hope it is clear to me someday too.

Has anyone else ever been spoken to like this?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Three Things Thursday: Race Edition

1.  Sunday will be my first race of the year!  I am running a 5k in the next town over.  I learned the other day I will most likely get crushed by a bunch of high school runners.  No big deal.  I always expect to be crushed!

2.  As of 15 minutes ago, I am registered for marathon #3 in my running career!  I just registered for the Marine Corp Marathon on October 30th in DC!  Cannot wait.

3.  I still need to decide on some tris for the season.  I tend to be very noncommital about the summer months because we are at the beach so much.  Because of this, I have not done many tris but I really want to get some in this year!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Why Hello There Friday!

Fridays are not typically the end of the week for me these days as it is tax season.  However, I don't have much work in the office as of this minute so I have an unexpected 2 day weekend!  This makes me a very happy mama! 

The weather is supposed to be perfect running weather this weekend too!  I might just get out for both my runs this weekend.  I have 8 miles between today and tomorrow and then 10 on Sunday.  I could not be more excited about this. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1.  I am loving this weather in NJ right now!  It is in the 60s today and just perfect.  I tossed L in the BOB yesterday when I got home from work and went for a quick run.  It only ended up being 1.5 miles because it got dark really quick.  I had to finish the run on the treadmill but L was a perfect boy in the stroller.  He did keep yelling "Faster mommy!"

2.  My 4 year old wants to go for a run today when we get home from work.  Ugh...50 pound kid in the stroller for a run is gonna be interesting.  It will be a short run again and then I will finish up my run after bedtime on the treadmill.

3.  I cannot wait to get outside more to run!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I wish I could buy willpower!

If only it were that easy!  I would pay good money for it.  I have the exercise half of getting healthy and losing weight nailed.  This week I am focused on healthier eating!  My goal is 20 pounds before my next marathon on May 15th.

I finally took my friend up on her offer of the Bod Pod.  It was frightening.  I can't even say it was eye opening because I was not surprised.  My body fat percentage was right about what I expected but it sucked seeing it on paper.  I know where I am and where I want to be.  Now I WILL get there!

Weekend was tough because L was sick and we were housebound.  I got my training in but was stuck inside on the treadmill again.  I making it a priority to get outside to run this coming Sunday! 

My training plan for the week...

Today - Lift - DONE!
Tuesday - 10 miles
Wednesday - Lift/Bike
Thursday - 6 mile base run
Friday - 5 mile run (3 of those miles will be intervals)
Saturday - Lift
Sunday - some run but not sure the distance

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Month one down!

January 2011 is done and in the books.  My month went like this...

Runs planned 16
Actual runs 17 90.4 miles

Strength Training sessions planned 8
Actual sessions 10
I am following New Rules of Lifting for Women.  The plan calls for 2-3 sessions a week.  I am being conservative and planning 2 sessions a week.

I had 1 hour and 3 minutes on the trainer tossed in there too.

My February goals...

16 runs for a total of 105 miles if I follow the plan exactly.
8 Strength training sessions
2 hours on the trainer