Sunday, November 7, 2010

Back from vacation!

John and I got back from New Orleans last night!  We had a fabulous time but missed the boys like crazy.  I ran two of the days we were there on the hotel's sucky treadmill.  We walked all over the place, ate some good food, had a few drinks, and enjoyed each other.  We even saw Ellis Marsalis perform Friday night.  I had no idea he is one of the top jazz performers until my father texted me how jealous he was about 10 minutes before the show.

Philly marathon is in 2 weeks and was in the back of my mind the entire time we were in NOLA!  I need to sit down today and check out the plan for the week ahead of me.  I am also running 8 today.

1 comment:

  1. my mawmaw lives in LA but I've never made it to the big easy. What a great way to relax before your big debeut! Enjoy the taper and all of your extra energy. ;)
